Polya Increase Yield Learn Fractions
Written on: Februarie 11, 2022
Title : Polya Increase Yield Learn Fractions
link : Polya Increase Yield Learn Fractions
Polya Increase Yield Learn Fractions
MATHEMATICS is an exact science and is a mandatory material that students must learn at the elementary school level. However, there are many obstacles faced by students when the learning process takes place in the classroom. Especially in the matter of fractions story questions, many students cannot understand and look for definite answers from the story questions they are working on. Difficulties in understanding fractions in grade 3 SD Negeri 1 Badran make student learning outcomes low. According to Suprijono (2013:7) learning outcomes are the achievement of a form of behavior change as a whole, not just one aspect of human potential.
In line with Suprijono's thoughts, Kunandar (2013:62) suggests that learning outcomes are certain competencies or abilities both cognitive, affective and psychomotor that are achieved or mastered by students after participating in the teaching and learning process. From some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that, learning outcomes are abilities obtained by students through learning activities as well as changes that occur in individuals who learn, both changes in knowledge and behavior which are shown through daily test scores. Related to this, learning outcomes on fractional number story questions in grade 3 SD Negeri 1 Badran can be said to be low, because teachers still use conventional learning with boring learning models and learning activities are still teacher-centered. So that students do not understand the material given.
This affects the learning outcomes of low fractions. One of the efforts that teachers can make to overcome low learning outcomes in fractional number story questions in grade 3 SD Negeri 1 Badran is to apply the "Polya" learning model. The "Polya" model is one way that can be used by teachers to solve these problems. The Polya model in question is one of the problem-solving learning models where this model is applied to solving math fraction story problems with the following stages: analyzing story problems, planning problem solving, calculations, looking back or confirming the correctness of solving answers. The "Polya" learning model in solving mathematical problems, four steps can be taken, namely understanding the problem, planning strategies for problem solving, and looking back at the answers obtained (In'am, 2014: 151).
The problem-solving steps in the "polya" model are to guide students' creativity to solve problems scientifically. This can motivate students to study independently and think logically and carefully. So that it can minimize student errors in the problem solving process. In addition, student learning outcomes can be controlled by looking back on the steps that have been taken. A similar opinion was also expressed by (Komariah, 2012: 184) The polya model can improve students' ability to solve mathematical problems. By applying the "Polya" model, student learning outcomes in the matter of fractions story problems have increased. So it can be concluded that by applying the "Polya" learning model it is proven to be able to improve student learning outcomes in the matter of fractions story problems.
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