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Allstate Full in depth Review - Should you buy allstate and Are you in good hands?

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Allstate Full in depth Review - Should you buy allstate and Are you in good hands?

Allstate Full in depth Review - Should you buy allstate and Are you in good hands?

today we're going to talk about whether you should join Allstate what are their pros and cons how do they compare in the market as far as prices and what are the reviews, in general, how well are they doing there are a couple pieces in this video that you're going to find unique where the data doesn't quite line up with reality and we're going to dive into that through 

In this video, I mark Flockhart with think insurance if you get any value out of this definitely smash the thumbs up button that helps me the most if you want to buy me a cup of coffee that's down there below also Allstate is one of the companies that my sponsor works with if you're interested in getting a quote you might as well shop them across 30 plus companies with Allstate I'll put the link to cover insurance in the description below that's my recommendation of where I would start with if you want to go direct to the website that's perfectly fine as well but you might as well shop multiple companies while doing the same thing that's one of the unique things that we're going to start off with Allstate is how can one company shop all of them with Allstate when 

Allstate is its own brand similar to other companies like farmers or state farm or Allstate right those guys are kind of the big guys in the market and Allstate is in the top five in general Allstate has started to branch out similar to what progressive has done where they allow exclusive agents people that only sell the Allstate brand and they can technically sell other brands in most cases when they're not competitive the other option is independent agents which is me where we can sell tons of companies I have a little bit of cheat sheet I might look over to my left a little bit because I did go to multiple websites to compare the data this is straight from Allstate in their history they started in 1930. honestly, I didn't find a whole lot of exciting information about them there was a guy that started it that's great the cool part and unique 

part is it actually started as a company from sears roebuck and they eventually broke off onto their own because of the need so on April 17, 1931, all state's name was borrowed from a tire that's interesting in a catalog in the sears mechanical department that was pretty cool to find out the kind of unique thing that I never knew in 1939 they startled the industry by allowing to rate based on age vehicle use and mileage this was something that was adopted across the board several years later it was very impactful similar to what some companies are doing trying to rate just on the driving record you may have heard their slogan you're in good hands that's their logo and that actually didn't start until 1950 so several decades after they were accompanied by 1969 they had over 1.47 billion premium they had 11 million policies and 30 000 employees the end of 1983 they 

became the largest claims staff with 12 and 500 claims employees that's powerful that actually is a big piece that i liked because it shows that they weren't just looking to pull in the dollars they wanted to make the claims process really powerful we're going to talk about that here in the discount section because that actually relates to one of their unique coverages that they carry just to speed up the history so 1990 they became 100 publicly owned so they no longer were owned by sears roebuck a company ahead of them it was completely public 1995 sears sold and spun off the last remaining shares so that was the official 100 publicly owned in 1896 allstate was officially launched for consumers in general diversity is a very powerful thing in the world today where we've got all of the different agendas and the different classifications and skin colors and all of that right so that's a powerful thing and some companies don't do a good job with that and i want to stay as far away from them as possible allstate even back in the 90s was doing great with this they are actually listed multiple times 

i didn't write the exact dates because it was so often that they were in the top 50 companies to work for it started off with mothers and then they actually got in the top for asians and african americans and hispanics so these are companies that has a wide diversity and i think that speaks a lot to the culture of a company which to me is equally powerful if i'm going to put my money and investment into allowing them to protect me and then unfortunately the last major update that i saw was in 2009 and they didn't even say what it was there really just wasn't anything exciting that i personally have seen and maybe you can let me know in the comments below if there's something that i missed as far as the price comparison they're actually not that competitive you'll find out when you talk to an allstate agent they're going to focus on brand and customer loyalty customer focus they're very good like other companies that do customer centric focus where they're going to win you over by talking about certain coverages and giving you more options and being that one size fits all company and they're 

just going to try to take care of you as best they can and there's a premium that some people are willing to pay their annual average cost for insurance is 696 dollars per year and then their annual cost for full coverage is 1921. depending on the state that you're in that may be fairly expensive but in Michigan, that's kind of average that's pretty normal and this is across the board this isn't any specific state according to their competitiveness is Allstate is actually at the top versus their competitor's farmers is the next closest at 131 versus 170 on an average monthly premium it's funny because I'm trying not to say farmers a lot in this video but they're the ones that come to mind when I think of Allstate I think of them as the biggest competitor which is unique 

because all of their metrics and their prices are very similar to what farmers insurance does state farm came and beat them out which is also a review we did as well and the national average was actually a little bit higher than the other companies so we've got nationwide which I'm actually surprised that they came in competitive in this situation they're good in a lot of states but they're not so great in a lot of states as well so that's a piece that came in the best in this scenario and when you look at the different groups it's not just the average across the board you might be 20 30 40 50 whatever the age is well if we look at our chart we have the teens they are the highest they're ridiculously cost they're also more expensive for the 20s they're more expensive for 30s they're more expensive for 40s 50s and 60s and we're not talking just a little bit here we're talking 10 20 30 40 

plus per month for its competitors now are we gonna see a correlation to where allstate has more to offer than its competitors to make that jump worth what we're talking about what's crazy is if you have a violation usually i say progressive progressive progressive they're the best route or geico is sometimes good right but they go crazy so let's compare let's just say a speeding ticket we've got allstate at 222 on average versus the national average 153 state farm fell a little bit below that progressive fell a little bit below that and geico fell a lot below that which is a little bit weird to me because geico isn't always the best with claims they tend to be more competitive with young drivers and then if there's a ticket involved then they go a little bit crazy as far as the price goes in this chart i'm going to say i don't necessarily agree with the tickets and the accidents in the dui piece because i think yes the dui is probably a high ranker but i think the rest of it they're going to fall right in line with most companies 

if you got a ticket I wouldn't shy away from Allstate in either which way as far as the discounts there's nothing to really report they have everything that everybody else has and I didn't see anything on their website where it talked about the additional discounts that they give over anybody else if anything the multi-policy discount was lower than most companies where you're averaging about 15 to 20 some odd percent and in my cases I've seen closer to the 20 plus percent off where Allstate was in the teens and it wasn't very exciting to see that but they had other discounts allocated in different places so they put more emphasis on driving they've got the teen smart program the smart student discount was a little bit better 

then most companies when you're 25 and younger and then the early pay discount gave you some extra bonuses but most companies do that I'll just rattle off the ones that they really promoted was anti-lock break discount anti-theft multi-policy discount early signing discount responsible payer was actually their larger one so if you pay on time and don't have claims they like that smart student discount new car discount easy pay plan Allstate smart discount which is their telematics system full pay safe driving club and that's really the main pieces that they displayed when I went there as far as glass door if you're used to seeing the amazon stars on something the glass door actually looked amazing it was like 4 out of 5 stars but if you dive into it it's really like the three to three and a half out of five stars it looked like in general the employees were happy that's what I care about as a consumer and I'm going to purchase 

their insurance I want to make sure that the person's coming into work and they're going to take care of me and they're not worried about what's next with their job and all of that craziness the part about the glass door and I encourage you to go check out the reviews yourself is a lot of people don't have a huge backing for the CEO it was about 60 which isn't horrible 53 would recommend them so half the people wouldn't even recommend them to friends and they had about a 45 positive outlook so 45 percent think that they have a positive outlook that's not very good and I can see that because if we look at their history like I said 2009 we're talking over a decade since they've updated any major changes and they've really shown that they're doing things differently than other companies they don't really have to 

because they're large enough and they market enough to where they've got a good product it's just there's nothing new coming out of the pipeline and it's hard to get employees excited but none of them really complained and said they absolutely hated working there the pros that employees are saying is the work-life balance was good the health benefits were good they had work from home opportunity and there are great people to work with so that's a great place to be the cons they said on average was work-life balance wasn't so great the long hours which adds to the work-life balance and the no benefits low pay and then upper management I don't quite understand the no benefits 

when they say there's benefits i would feel safe that the benefits are there it probably depends if you're the owner of an Allstate shop versus the person that works at their call center and that's the tough part about getting the employee from glassdoor because we could be comparing the actual Allstate corporation versus the Allstate office that's the local place if you've worked at an insurance company or seen an insurance company it's a little tougher in that market when you're working that environment a lot of these owners really weren't designed to manage and a lot of them have got some learning to do some are amazing they are absolutely out of this world great but there are those good in those bad apples mixed together consumer reviews i did a ton of research here so I'm going to read you some reviews here in just a moment and we're going to just kind of summarize what everybody talked about this is the part where it didn't match up with what was being said and i think a lot of this is because 

the companies that you're going to see these reviews on we're looking at zebra clear assurance Allstate itself nerd wallet hub those companies get commissions when you go with them zebra gave them 4 out of 5 stars but that's zebra the reviewer's zebra customers so people that are actually with Allstate gave them a 4.3 so a little bit better than the company reviewing them the Allstate agents alone got 4.13 out of 5 stars so that's from Allstate that's okay that's not bad now you penguin game a 3.2 out of 5 stars clear insurance gave them 4 out of 5. the impact piece of them I say they weigh more than all of the other reviews because they had over 11 000 reviews a lot of people that are giving their feedback and they were generally happy wallet 4 and a half out of 5 stars and the overall when you add them all together was 3.47 out of 5 stars that sound great however when we compare them to the other companies 

state farm Geico progressive those are the major competitors they didn't do as well and what I did is I actually used clearance because they had the most reviews they had 11 000 plus reviews as my example I'm going to read you a few of the most recent one I'm actually going live right now while we're making this video and checking them out the first one says way overpriced and will scam you if you cancel that was January 6 of 2022 the next one January 2nd of 2022 untrained ignorant customer service team and managers, uh Allstate sucks on December 17-21 uh august 9th of 21 on the professional agent they gave him three which was the best all of these are one-star also they need to watch them and drives is a scam that was July of 21 also a two-star next one is a one-star bizarre corporate underwriting policy July 2nd 21 and it just goes on like that there's a lot of negative reviews recently that's based 

on what I'm doing without filtering and out touching anything that's one of the questions I would say that you guys need to figure out when you're looking at these uh all in doo-doo hands June 17-21 there it just keeps going I don't understand how these companies can put themselves in such good limelight when they're looking at reviews if we go a little bit further so we go to January of the last year 2021 five stars review five-star review three-star review four-star review another one-star uh five-star review I'll stay more like all great Allstate just that's all they put Allstate auto insurance all state these almost look kind of fake as far as titles best insurance rates compared 

to other companies Allstate is a leader company so last year amazing reviews at least the small sample that I'm reading to you you gotta look at them yourself to really decide what you think this year not so great reviews so we need to find out in your area is its price is its coverage is it claims because claims are really all I care about in most cases if you like and agree on the price and you like the coverage that you're getting then really them taking care of your part is the piece that you're looking at next that's also one of the pieces that they're lacking on, in general, they're lower than average according to the naic this is from a website that I got from a business insider for complaints against Allstate all states complaints were a bit higher meaning that there were more complaints filed against Allstate than average you kind of see that with the reviews where there's a lot more complaints and issues coming through in the last 6 to 12 months 

than there was in the previous year i really can't give you a good comparison because i did a quote in michigan and they were ridiculously high for me when they start opening up the floodgates in michigan more they're probably going to be a little bit more competitive but right now compared to the company that i'm with it would have almost doubled the price that i would have been paying i can tell you i've got some friends on youtube that i watch and they're crushing it in arizona in california in a bunch of other states florida is a hot state right now for allstate and a few other states that are probably the more riskier ones allstate has a better handle on if you're not sure it doesn't hurt to do the quote go to or fill out the cover one as well and check them all it's up to you it really doesn't hurt to check them they're not really sharing any data that i found that was the first piece i dove into where they share with their own affiliates and allstate actually doesn't have many affiliates in their system 

so I'm not so worried about data breaches and anything like that for consumers that's something I can't say for a lot of other companies unique coverages they actually posted on their website from value penguin that they have a better coverage program if you're gonna go into Mexico so it sounds like they're competitive in texas as well which actually I know they are uh Allstate classic car insurance so they offer a classic that something like state farmers partnering with other companies to do Allstate has that option for you if you have modified vehicles 

they have different things for that and this is a powerful piece that I wanted to put in the discount section but it was just so unique I wanted to put it here Allstate has the satisfaction of a claim guarantee it's something that I think they're still doing it's on value penguins explanation I didn't see it on Allstate's site you'd have to do some more research into it but what it is is if you're dissatisfied with the claim you can in writing explain what you weren't happy within in most cases in a lot of cases they're offering to pay up to the next six months of your insurance to make it right that might not be the case for people that are upset with thousands and thousands of dollars of claims or it might be great for somebody that it actually benefits them long term I thought that was unique 

it was pretty cool to see somebody do that I really like that part they offer a wide array of different coverages so home renters condo life landlord motor home pet insurance motorcycle boat watercraft off-road vehicles classic insurance and umbrellas there are a lot of options that Allstate gives you so is this a company for you what do you think I need to know in the comments below do you love them do you hate them what was your experience my personal opinion I personally wouldn't shy away from them in either which way like I said they're great in texas they're great in Florida there's a ton of different places they're powerful they're one of those ones that would be on that side bucket of if I can't find something if I already know 

these are my cheapest ones I'm still going to check them because I think progressive and I think Allstate and i think state farm and those big guys even though I don't love to have that massive large company base are just powerful they've got enough funds they've got a spread off risk where they're usually really good at what they do now the reviews I would check my local area make sure that that's good otherwise I wouldn't shy away from checking with Allstate so your next step is to check out the most powerful piece of Allstate for discounts they offer something called the drives program you should check out the drives to see if that's a fit for you and see what kind of discounts that powerful piece is gonna have to go ahead and check it out otherwise I'm mark with think insurance I will see you in the next one

That's the article Allstate Full in depth Review - Should you buy allstate and Are you in good hands?

That's it for the article Allstate Full in depth Review - Should you buy allstate and Are you in good hands? this time, hopefully can be useful for all of you. okay, see you in another article post.

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