Introduction to Excel
Written on: November 19, 2021
Title : Introduction to Excel
link : Introduction to Excel
Introduction to Excel
Features of Excel 2013
1. New Aesthetics (Look): Excel has a new look and displays an (optional) graphic in the title bar. The default color scheme is white. However, you can choose from two other color schemes (light gray and dark gray)
2. Startup Screen: When you launch Excel 2013 is a startup screen in the left pane, you will see a list of your most recent Excel documents as well as the option to open additional files. In the right pane, you can pick from various templates, such as blank, calendar, inventory. and many more as well as search Microsoft's library of online templates.
3. Backstage View: The backstage view is a place where you can perform operations on the file. The backstage view was first introduced in Excel 2010 and is still present in Excel 2013. The Backstage View has a new interface which gives you fast access to your data and file management options including accessing your work online.
4. Recommended Charts: This is one of the important new features of Excel. Recommended Charts shows only a subset of chart types that are appropriate to the data you have selected. It will help inexperienced users create charts that help explain the data and don't confuse the viewer.
5. Smarter Chart tools: In previous versions of Excel, when a chart is selected, the Chart Tools tab revealed three additional tabs: Design, Layout, and Format. The interface is simpler in Excel 2013, with only the Design and Format tabs to choose from. In addition, a set of icons appears outside the top right edge of a chart when it is selected.
6. Support for other devices: Excel is available for other devices, including touch sensitive devices such as Windows RT tablets and Windows phones.
7. Single document interface: Excel no longer supports the option to display multiple. workbooks in a single window. Each workbook has its own top-level Excel window and Ribbon.
8. New types of assistance: Excel provides recommended Pivot Tables and recommended charts.
9. Flash Fill: This is one of the most attractive features in Excel. Its predictive data entry can detect patterns and extract and enter data that follows a recognizable pattern. It solves some common problems that currently require cumbersome workarounds to achieve. Flash Fill is a new way to relevant data from text strings. You can also use this feature to combine data in multiple columns.
10. Support for Apps for Office: You can download or purchase apps that can be embedded in a workbook file.
11. The Data Model: Create PivotTables from multiple data tables, combined in a relational manner. Pivot Tables are a powerful tool for analyzing and answering questions about your data, but they’re not easy for new users to create.
12. New Slicer option: The Slicer feature, introduced in Excel 2010 for use with Pivot Tables, has been expanded and now works with tables. Timeline filtering: Similar to the Slicer, the Timeline makes it easy to filter data by dates.
13. Quick Analysis: Quick Analysis provides single click access various data analysis tools. The new Quick Analysis tool can help both new and experienced users find options for working with selected data.
14. New add-ins: Three new add-ins are included (for Office Professional Plus only): PowerPivot, Power View, and Inquire.
15. Make quick reports with Power View: The Power View add-in, available for previous versions of Excel, is now integrated into Excel 2013. Power View is typically used for analyzing large quantities of data brought in from external data sources-Just the sort of tool that big business might use.
16. Share files and work with other people: In Excel 2013 you can share and work collaboratively on files with others via SkyDrive using the Excel WebApp, and multiple people can work on the same file at the same time. However, you cannot open a worksheet from SkyDrive in Excel 2013 on your local machine if someone else is currently working in 2013 the same worksheet.
Workbooks and Worksheets
The work you do in Excel is performed in a workbook file. You can have as many workbooks open as you need, and each one appears in its own window. By default, Excel workbooks use an .xls file extension. Each workbook contains one or more worksheets, and each worksheet is made up of individual Cells. Each cell can contain a value, a formula, or text. A worksheet also has an invisible draw Layer, which holds charts, images, and diagrams. Each worksheet in a workbook is accessible by Clicking the tab at the bottom of the workbook window. In addition, a workbook can store chart Sheets; a chart sheet displays a single chart and is also accessible by clicking a tab.
Parts of the MS-Excel 2013 Screen
1. Active Cell Indicator: The active cell is recognized by its green outline. Data is always entered into the active cell. Different cells can be made active by clicking on them with the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
2. Add Sheet Icon: Clicking on the Add sheet icon next to the Sheet tab at the bottom of the screen adds another worksheet. (You can also use two keyboard shortcuts to add a new Worksheet: Shift+FII and Alt+ Shift + F1). Each of these notebook-like tabs represents a different sheet in the workbook. A workbook can have any number of sheets, and each sheet has its name displayed in a sheet tab.
3. Cell:Cells are the rectangular boxes located in central area of a worksheet. Data entered into a worksheet is stored in a cell. Each cell can hold only one piece of data at a time. A cell is the intersection point of a vertical column and a horizontal row. Each cell in the worksheet can be identified by a cell reference, which is a combination of letters and numbers such as A1, F456, or AA34.
4. Column Letters: Columns run vertically on a worksheet, and each one is identified by a letter in the column header. Letters range from A to XFD-one for each of the 16,384 columns in the worksheet. You can click a column heading to select an entire column of cells or drag a column border to change its width.
5. Row Numbers: Numbers range from 1 to 10,48,576-one for each row in the worksheet. You can click a row number to select an entire row of cells. Rows run horizontally in a worksheet and are identified by a number in the row header.
6. Formula Bar: Located above the worksheet, this area displays the contents of the active Cell. The formula bar can also be used for entering or editing data and formulas. When you Enter information or formulas into a cell, it appears in this bar.
7. Name Box: Located next to the formula bar, the Name Box displays the cell reference or the name of the active cell. This box displays the active cell address or the name of the selected cell, range, or object.
8. Quick Access Toolbar: The Quick Access toolbar allows you to add frequently used commands, Click on the down arrow at the end of the toolbar to display available options. This customizable toolbar holds commonly used commands.
9. Tools Ribbon: The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the worksheet. always visible, regardless of which tab is selected.
10. Ribbon Display Options: A drop-down control that offers three options related to displaying the Ribbon.
11. Ribbon Tabs: Ribbon tabs are part of the horizontal ribbon menu that contains links to various features of the program. Each tab-such as Home, Page Layout, and Formula contains a number of related features and options that are activated by clicking on the appropriate icon.
12. The File Tab: The File tab was introduced in Excel 2010. It is used to replace the Excel 2007 Office Button. It works differently than the other tabs. Instead of having its options display on the horizontal ribbon, clicking on the File tab opens a drop-down menu on the let side of the screen. File tab contains the basic required options such as New, Open, Save, Save as, Print, Share, Export, and Close options. Other than the aforementioned options, we can find account and Excel options tab, too.
13. Sheet Tabs: By default, there is one worksheet in an Excel 2013 file, but you can add additional sheets. The Sheet tab at the bottom of a worksheet tells you the name of the worksheet, such as Sheet1 or Sheet2. Renaming a worksheet or changing the tab color can make it easier to keep track of data in large spreadsheet files.
14. Sheet tab scroll buttons: Use these buttons to scroll the sheet tabs to display tabs that aren't visible. You can also right-click to get a list of sheets.
15. Status Bar: The status bar, which runs horizontally along the bottom of the Excel scree can be customized to display a number of options, most of which give the user information about:
(a) The current worksheet (such as page view)
(b) Data the worksheet contains
(C) The on/off status of certain keys on the user's keyboard, such as Caps Lock, Serm Lock, and Num Lock
Status Bar has following options:
Default Options: Number of options are pre-selected for display by default on the status Bar These options include:
(a) Carrying out mathematical and statistical calculations
(b) Changing the magnification of the worksheet
(c) Changing the worksheet view
(d) Cell mode
Calculation Options:The default calculation options include finding the average, count, and sum for selected cells of data in the current worksheet. These options are linked to the Excel functions by the same name.
These options include:
(a) The average value of the data in the cells selected; (b) the number of cells selected (count);
(b) The total value of the data in the cells selected (sum).
16. Tabs:Click these tabs to display different Ribbon commands, similar to a menu.
17. Title bar: This displays the name of the program and the name of the current workbook. It also by default holds the Quick Access Toolbar (on the left) and some control buttons that You can use to modify the window (on the right).
18. Vertical scroll bar: We can use this button to scroll the sheet vertically.
19. Window Close button: This button is used to close the active workbook window.
20. Window Maximize/Restore Button: Click this button to increase the workbook window’s size to fill the entire screen. If the window is already maximized, clicking this button Returns Excel’s window to its prior size so that it no longer fills the entire screen.
21. Windows Minimize Button: This button is used to minimize workbook window. The Window displays as an icon in the Windows taskbar.
22. Zoom Slider: It is located in the bottom right corner of the Excel screen. It is used to change the magnification of a worksheet when you drag the slider box back and forth or click on the Zoom Out and Zoom In buttons located at either end of the slider. Use this to zoom your worksheet in and out.
23. Collapse the Ribbon button: We can temporarily hide the Ribbon using this button.
24. Help button: Click this button to display the Excel Help system window.
25. Horizontal scroll bar: This tool can be used to scroll the sheet horizontally.
26. Macro recorder indicator: Click to start recording a VBA macro. The icon changes While your actions are being recorded. Click again to stop recording.
27. New sheet button: This button is used to add a new worksheet.
28. Page View buttons: If we want click this buttons. change the way the worksheet is displayed
Excel 2013 uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with several groups of commands. Each tab perform the most common tasks in Excel. The Ribbon is arranged into groups of related commands. Following are the various commands in Ribbon Tabs:
1. Home: The Home tab gives you access to some of the most commonly used commands for working with data in Excel 2013, including copying and pasting, formatting, and number styles. The Home tab is selected by default whenever you open Excel.
2. Insert:The Insert tab allows you to insert charts, tables, diagrams, symbols, filters, and more, which can help you visualize and communicate your workbook data graphically.
3. Page Layout:The Page Layout tab allows you to change the print formatting of your workbook, including margin width, page orientation, and themes. These commands will be especially helpful when preparing to print a workbook.
4. Formulas:This tab is used to insert a formula, name a cell or a range, access the formula editing tools, or control how Excel performs calculations.
5. Data:The Data tab makes it easy to sort and filter information in your workbook, which can be especially helpful if your project contains a large amount of data.
6. Review:This tab contains tools to check spelling, translate words, add comments, or protect sheets. These features make it easy to share and collaborate on workbooks.
7. View:The View tab allows you to switch between different views for your workbook and freeze panes for easy viewing. These commands will also be helpful when preparing to print a workbook.
8. Developer:This tab isn't visible by default. It contains commands that are useful for programmers. To display the Developer tab, choose File-Options and then select Customize Ribbon. In the Customize the Ribbon section on the right, make sure Main Tabs is selected in the drop-down control, and place a check mark next to Developer.
9. Add-Ins:This tab is visible only if you loaded an older workbook or add-in that customizes the menu or toolbars. Because menus and toolbars are no longer available in Excel 2013, these user interface customizations appear on the Add-Ins tab. Certain programs, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, may install additional tabs to the Ribbon. These tabs are called add ins.
10. Contextual tabs (Formatting): In addition to the standard tabs, Excel also includes contextual tabs. Whenever an object (such as a chart, a table, or a SmartArt diagram) is selected, specific tools for working with that object are made available in the Ribbon.
Creating a New Workbook
When Excel is already open:
1. Select the File Tab. Backstage view will appear.
2. Select New, then click Blank Workbook.
3. A New Blank Workbook will appear.
To Open an Existing Workbook
1. Click the File Tab to move on Backstage View.
2. Select Open.
3. Select Computer, then click Browse.
4. The open dialog box will appear. Locate and select your workbook, then click open.
To Save a Workbook
1. Click the File tab and select Save or Save As option.
* Save As allows you to name the file and choose a location to save the workbook. Choose Save As if you would like to save the file for the first time or if you would like to save the file as a different name.
* Select Save if the file has already been named.
2. To save the workbook to your computer, select the computer, then click browse.
The Save As dialog box will appear. Select the location or folder where you want to save the workbook.
Enter the file name which you want to give to your workbook and select the Save As type, by default it is .xlsx format.
Finally click on Save button and your workbook will be saved with the name in the selected folder.
To Print a Worksheet
Printing a Worksheet is very easy as it is very much similar to printing in any other office application like – Word, Etc.
1. Click the File tab. This takes us to the Backstage View.
2. Select Print. The Print Pane appears, with the Print settings on the left and Print Preview on the right.
3. Select the desired printer (if more then one printer is attached) and enter the number of copies you wish to print.
4. Choose any additional settings if required and Click Print.
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