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LDCE promotion to the cadre of PS Group "B" Notification - Revised syllabus, Pattern Details

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LDCE promotion to the cadre of PS Group "B" Notification - Revised syllabus, Pattern Details


Notification for LDCE for promotion to the cadre of P.S. Group’B’ for the vacancies of the year 2017-18,2018, 2019 and 2020: Revised syllabus, Pattern Details


LDCE -PS Group’B’

F. No. A-34012/10/2019-DE
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated: 28th September,2020


Subject: Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of P.S. Group’B’ for the vacancies of the year 2017-18,2018, 2019 and 2020.


Department of Posts has decided to conduct the LDCE (19% for IP Line and 06% for General Line) for promotion to the cadre of Postal Service Group ‘B’ (PS Group ‘B’) for the vacancies of the year 2017 -18 (No vacancy), 2018, 2019 and 2020 as per the following schedule:

Date of Exam

Paper Nos.


08th November, 2020 (Sunday)


10:00 am to 01:00 p.m


02:00 p.m to 05:00 p.m

2. Applications are invited in online mode from the willing and eligible candidates for which link will be available at application. Hard copy of the application, duly signed by the applicant, is required to be sent to parent office by the applicants. For APS candidates, hard copy of the application, duly verified by the Competent Authority is required to be sent to the concerned Circle Office. The schedule of activities for the examination is as under: 

Sr. no.


Proposed date (Schedule)


Last date to receive online application from
eligible candidates



Correction in application form, if necessary, by candidate to be done between

From 9.00 AM on 25.10.2020
to 5.30 PM on 26.10.2020


Admit cards available for downloading by
candidates from



Date of Examination



3. Eligibility Criteria: -As per the Recruitment Rules of Postal Service Group ‘B’ cadre, the following categories of officials are eligible to appear in the above examination.

(1) For IP line quota (19%), Inspector of Posts and Assistant Superintendents having put in 5 years regular services from joining of IP cadre on the crucial date of eligibility for the examination of particular year;


(2) For General Line quota (6%), officials belonging to Higher Selection Grade-I, Higher Selection Grade-II and Lower Selection Grade having put in five years regular service in either or all the three cadres together on the crucial date of eligibility for the examination of a particular year;

Note: Postal Sorting Assistants placed in the TBOP/BCR and. MACP scales, which are only Financial Up-gradations, are not entitled to appear or the examination.


As per DoP Memorandum No. 9-36/2019-SPG-II dated 26.12.2019, where junior Inspectors of Post who have completed qualifying / eligibility service, are considered eligible for appearing in PS Gr ‘B’ LDCE, the senior should also be allowed to appear in the PS Gr ‘B’ LDCE, provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying / eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying / eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have completed Probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along-with their juniors, who have already completed such qualifying / eligibility service.

4.Cruical date for calculation of length of service in terms of eligibility criteria :-


Sr. No.

Exam year/ period of vacancies

Crucial date of eligibility.


2017-18 (01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018)

Not required, due to Nil vacancy


2018 (01.04.2018 to 31.12.2018)



2019 (01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019)



2020 (01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020)


 5. Service eligibility conditions for APS candidates: –

Service eligibility conditions mentioned above are also applicable to the candidates on deputation to APS.


6. Pattern & Syllabus of Examination: – The pattern and syllabus applicable for the said LDCE for P.S. Group ‘B’ cadre has already been circulated by SPG-II Section vide letter No. 9-04/2018-SPG-II dated 05.09.2019 and is available in the Employee Corner in the Department of Posts’ official website i.e. A copy of pattern & syllabus of the examination is also attached herewith.


Note: In both the papers, circulars/orders/guidelines/Rules issued upto 31st December of the year preceding the year of examination i.e. 31th December, 2019 will be part of the syllabus except the Annual Report and Book of information for which latest report and information available in India Post Website will be taken into account for the purpose.


7. Vacancies:- The category-wise break-up of tentative vacancies to be filled through the PS Gr. ‘B’ Examination scheduled to be held on 08th November, 2020 for the vacancies of the year 2017 18,2018, 2019 and 2020 are given below: 

Examination for

Vacancy Year

Category wise break up of vacancies*





Inspector Posts Line officials
(19% quota of vacancies)


No vacancy
















General Line officials (06% quota of vacancies)


No vacancy

















*The vacancy position in the above table is subject to change.


8. Venue for conducting the Examination: The Examination will be conducted at all the Circle Headquarters only. The candidates shall have to appear from the respective centre of their Circle only and under no circumstances, they may be permitted to appear from exam centres of other Circles.

Applicants, serving on deputation in APS, shall also appear from the examination centre of their parent Civil Circles. APS authorities will send the Applications of the Applicants, working in APS, to the concerned Nodal Officer of the Circle by furnishing the eligibility details.


9. The LDCE will be conducted on the basis of OMRs, though the application will be invited through online mode.


10. The Competent Authority reserves the right to change or modify the vacancy position, schedule, pattern of examination etc at any time.

11. This notification may be given wide publicity amongst all eligible candidates working in Divisions/Units.

12. Department of posts notification no. A-34012/10/2019-DE dated 18th October 2019 for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. ‘B’ for the vacancies of the year 2017-18. 2018 and 2019 stands cancelled.

Enclosures:- As above.

(Prem T. N. )
Director (DE)

copy to:-

1.PPS to Secretary (Posts)/ DG (Postal Services)
2.PPS to Addl. DG (Coord)/ PPS to all Members.
3.All DDsG in Directorate.
5. Officer Commanding, P & T Admn. Cell, Kamptee.
6.All Sections of the Postal Directorate/ Notice Board
7.Hindi Section for translation of this circular.
8.AI1 recognized Associations/Service Federations/ Unions.
9.General Manager, CEPT Mysore-570010 with a request to Notification on India Post website.

(Prem T. N. )

Director (DE)


No. 9-04/2018-SPG-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)

Dak Bhawan , Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110 001.
Dated : 5th Sep, 2019.

All Chief Postmasters General


Sub : Revision of syllabus for promotion to PS Group ‘B’ cadre – Regarding.


I am directed to say that the syllabus for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to Postal Services Group ‘B’ cadre has been revised with the approval of the Competent Authority and the same is enclosed herewith.

2. The date for holding the Examination will be communicated separately by the DE Branch from time to time.”

Yours faithfully,

Encl as above

( Vinayak Mishra)
Assistant Director General (SPG)

Copy to:-

1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/ Sr. PPS to Director General Postal Services
2. PPS/PS to Addi. DG (Co-ordination) & all Members of Postal Services Board.
3 Chief General Manager, BO Directorate / Parcel Directorate/ PLI Directorate
4. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vigilance) & CVO
5. Director, RAKNPA/ GM (CEPT)/ Directors of all PTCs
6. Addi. Director General, Army Postal Services, New Delhi
7. All Deputy Directors General
8. GM. CEPT, Mysore with request for uploading the order on the India Pot website” .
9 SPG-1/ SPN-1/ SPN-11/ PE-I / PE-II /SCT/Vigilance Petition Nigilance Section/DE
1O. All recognized Service Union/Association/Federations
11. Spare copies.
12 Guard File

( Vinayak Mishra)
Assistant Director General (SPG)

Revised syllabus for promotion to PS Group ‘B’ cadre.


l) Consumer Protection Act, 1986
2) Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002

Inland./ Foreign Post
1) Indian Post Office Rules, 1933
2) Post Office Guide Part I
3) Post Office Guide Part II
4) Domestic/ Foreign Post guidelines issued by Directorate
5) Book of BO Rules

Mail Operations –
l) Postal Manual Volume V
2) Guidelines issued by Directorate from time to time on mail Network optimization Project / PNOP / Business Development

Money Remittance
Guidelines issued by Directorate on eMO, iMO, IMTS and IFS M0

Suving Bank Scheme and Certificates 

1) Post Office Saving Bank General Rules, 1981.2) Post Office Saving Account Rules, l98l
3) National Savings Recurring Deposit Rules, 1981.
4) National Savings Time Deposit rules, 1981.
5) National Savings MIS Bules, 1987.
6) National Savings Certificates Rules, 1960.
7) Senior Citizen Savings Scheme Rules, 2004.
8) National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue), 1989
9)Kisan Vikas patra Rules, 2014
(10) Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968
11) Sukanya Samridhi yojana Rules, 2014
(12) Post office saving Bank Manual Volume I & II
(13) SB orders issued by Directorate from 01.01.2007 onwards.
(14) Guidelines issued by Directorate from time to time on Core Banking Services.
(15) post office Saving Bank (CBS) manual.

Postal life insurance and Rural PLI-
1) Post Office Life Insurance Rules, 2011
2) Guidelines issued by Directorate from time to time on PLI/ RPLI and core Insurance solution.

Organization of the Department-
1) Postal Manual Volume II (Chapter-1-organisation).
2) Citizen Charter of Department of Posts.
3) Guidelines and instructions on complaint grievances handling in Department of Posts.

Guidelines issued by Directorate from time to time on IT modernization project of Department of Posts

1. Handbook on Philately
2. Directorate instructions on Philately

Office Procedure-
1) postal Manual Volume II – Chapter XI – Misc. Rules
2) Manual of Office procedure
3) Annual Reports and Book of Information of D/o Posts

Material management-
1) Postal manual Volume II – Chapter VI (Stock), VIII (Printing). IX (Contracts). XII (Budget Estimates and control)
2) Chapter 6 of General Financial Rules, 2017
3) CVC guidelines on public procurement, guidelines and instructions on e-procurement.
4) Manual on policies and procedure for purchase of goods and services available on website of ministry of Finance.

Establishment and administrative matters-
1) postal Manual Volume IV.
2) Instructions issued by Directorate and DoP&T on maintenance of APAR.
3) schedule of Financial powers of Divisional heads, Head of the Circle, etc.
4) Welfare measures available to Departmental Employees and Gramin Dak Sevak fo DoP.
5) DoP&T instructions issued from time to time on Establishment and administration.
6) Brochure on reservation, instructions regarding sports person reservation, compassionate appointment guidelines issued by DoP and Dop&T from time to time.
7) Recruitment Rules relating to various cadres in D/o posts.
8) Establishment norms

Current Affairs 15 questions for 30 marks

Nothing and Drafting for 25 marks each.



1. Central Civil Services (Conduct ) Rules, 1964

2. Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965
3. postal manual Volume III

4.Central Civil Services (Temporary Service Rules), 1965
5. Brochure on Casual labourer

6.Central Civil Services (pension) Rules, 1972
7. new Pension Scheme, 2004
8. Central Civil Services (Commutation of pension) Rules, 1981

9.Central Civil Services (leave) Rules, 1972
10.Central Civil Services ( Joining Time) Rules, 1979

11. General provident Fund (Central Service) Rules, 1960
12. Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944

13. Fundamental and Supplementary Rules
14. Central civil Services (leave Travel concession) Rules, 1988
15. Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

16. Postal Financial handbook Volume I & II

17. Genera Financial Rules 2017 other than public procurement
18. Rules relating to Children Education allowance and reimbursement of hostel Subsidy
19. Central Government Employees Group insurance Scheme, 1980

20. Gramin Dak Sevak (Conduct and Engagement ) Rules , 2011

21. Central Administrative Tribunal Act. 1985 and its Rules
22. Right to information act 2005 and RTI Rules, 2012

23. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
24. Public Accountants Default Act, 1850
25. Revenue Recovery Act, 1890
26. prevention of corruption act, 1890
27. Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993
28. Goods and Services Tax (GST) act, 2017

29. postal manual Volume II 

Chapter III – Appeals and petitions.
Chapter IV – personal matters.
Chapter V- Security Deposits.
Chapter VII – Forged counterfeit stamps and defaced postage stamps, coins and currency notes.

30.Interface with India Post Payment Bank

31. Preservation and Disposal of Postal Records
32. Swatchh Bharat

33. inspection questionnaires.
34. CSI Operating Manuals.

Note :In both the papers, circular/ order/ guidelines/ Rules issued upto 31st December of the year preceding the year of examination will be part of the syllabus except the Annual Report and Book of Information for which latest report and information available in India Post Website will be taken for the purpose.

Revised Pattern for the promotion to PS Group “B” cadre

S. NO.


Revised Pattern



Each paper will carry 300 marks



Duration for each paper is 3 hours


No of Questions

125 Questions of MCQ type in paper I and Nothing & Drafting for 25 marks each. 

150 Questions of MCQ type in Paper II


Qualifying marks

XMR in each paper subject to overall average of 38% for SC/ST categories.


Whether books allowed or not

Both the papers of the examination will be conducted without books.


That's the article LDCE promotion to the cadre of PS Group "B" Notification - Revised syllabus, Pattern Details

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